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Search and Retrieval

Introducing Search and Retrieval Requests

The GDC API provides endpoints that search and retrieve information stored in the GDC according to the GDC Data Model. The general format of requests to search & retrieval endpoints is described below.

Note: Queries described in this section work for datasets that have been released to the GDC Data Portal. Unreleased data that is in the process of being submitted to GDC cannot be queried using these methods. See Submission to learn how to query unreleased data using GraphQL.

Components of a Request

A typical search and retrieval API request specifies the following parameters:

  • a filters parameter, that specifies the search terms for the query
  • several parameters that specify the API response, such as:
    • format — specifies response format (JSON, TSV, XML)
    • fields — specifies the which data elements should be returned in the response, if available
    • size — specifies the the maximum number of results to include in the response
    • other parameters are described below.

Requests can be executed using HTTP GET or HTTP POST. GET requests are limited by maximum URL length, so the POST method is recommended for large queries.

POST Example

The following is an example of an HTTP POST request to the files endpoint of the GDC API. It looks for Gene Expression Quantification files associated with specific TCGA cases (represented by TCGA barcodes) and retrieves the associated biospecimen metadata in TSV format.


curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @Payload '' > response.tsv


                    "value":"Gene Expression Quantification"

Each component of the request is explained below.

GET Example

The above request can be executed as an HTTP GET:,file_name,cases.submitter_id,cases.case_id,data_category,data_type,cases.samples.tumor_descriptor,cases.samples.tissue_type,cases.samples.sample_type,cases.samples.submitter_id,cases.samples.sample_id,analysis.workflow_type,cases.project.project_id,cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots.aliquot_id,cases.samples.portions.analytes.aliquots.submitter_id&size=1000

Each component of the request is explained below.


The following search and retrieval endpoints are available in the GDC API:

Endpoints Description
files Information about files stored in the GDC
cases Information related to cases, or sample donors
history Information related to file version history
projects Information about projects
annotations Information about annotations to GDC data
_mapping Information about elements that can be used to query other endpoints

The choice of endpoint determines what is listed in the search results. The files endpoint will generate a list of files, whereas the cases endpoint will generate a list of cases. Each of the above endpoints, other than _mapping, can query and return any of the related fields in the GDC Data Model. So the cases endpoint can be queried for file fields (e.g. to look for cases that have certain types of experimental data), and the files endpoint can be queried for clinical metadata associated with a case (e.g. to look for files from cases diagnosed with a specific cancer type).

Project Endpoint

The projects endpoint provides access to project records, the highest level of data organization in the GDC.


This example is a query for projects contained in the GDC. It uses the from, size, sort, and pretty parameters, and returns the first two projects sorted by project id.

curl ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "APOLLO-LUAD",
        "primary_site": [
          "Bronchus and lung"
        "dbgap_accession_number": "phs003011",
        "project_id": "APOLLO-LUAD",
        "disease_type": [
          "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas"
        "name": "APOLLO1: Proteogenomic characterization of lung adenocarcinoma",
        "releasable": false,
        "state": "open",
        "released": true
        "id": "BEATAML1.0-COHORT",
        "primary_site": [
          "Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems"
        "dbgap_accession_number": "phs001657",
        "project_id": "BEATAML1.0-COHORT",
        "disease_type": [
          "Myelodysplastic Syndromes",
          "Leukemias, NOS",
          "Myeloid Leukemias",
          "Plasma Cell Tumors",
          "Chronic Myeloproliferative Disorders"
        "name": "Functional Genomic Landscape of Acute Myeloid Leukemia",
        "releasable": true,
        "state": "open",
        "released": true
    "pagination": {
      "count": 2,
      "total": 78,
      "size": 2,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "None",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 39
  "warnings": {}

Retrieval of project metadata using project_id

The project endpoint supports a simple query format that retrieves the metadata of a single project using its project_id:

curl ',summary.experimental_strategies,summary.data_categories&pretty=true'
  "data": {
    "summary": {
      "file_count": 5705,
      "data_categories": [
          "file_count": 943,
          "case_count": 278,
          "data_category": "Sequencing Reads"
          "file_count": 3080,
          "case_count": 220,
          "data_category": "Simple Nucleotide Variation"
          "file_count": 3,
          "case_count": 1119,
          "data_category": "Clinical"
          "file_count": 705,
          "case_count": 225,
          "data_category": "DNA Methylation"
          "file_count": 2,
          "case_count": 1132,
          "data_category": "Biospecimen"
          "file_count": 324,
          "case_count": 155,
          "data_category": "Transcriptome Profiling"
          "file_count": 648,
          "case_count": 155,
          "data_category": "Structural Variation"
      "experimental_strategies": [
          "file_count": 1458,
          "case_count": 155,
          "experimental_strategy": "RNA-Seq"
          "file_count": 15,
          "case_count": 8,
          "experimental_strategy": "WGS"
          "file_count": 3522,
          "case_count": 222,
          "experimental_strategy": "WXS"
          "file_count": 705,
          "case_count": 225,
          "experimental_strategy": "Methylation Array"
      "case_count": 1132,
      "file_size": 16968781125824
    "primary_site": [
      "Bones, joints and articular cartilage of limbs",
      "Heart, mediastinum, and pleura",
      "Peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system",
      "Uterus, NOS",
      "Bones, joints and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites",
      "Other endocrine glands and related structures",
      "Renal pelvis",
      "Retroperitoneum and peritoneum",
      "Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts",
      "Connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues",
      "Adrenal gland",
      "Spinal cord, cranial nerves, and other parts of central nervous system",
      "Other and ill-defined sites",
      "Lymph nodes",
      "Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems"
    "dbgap_accession_number": "phs000467",
    "project_id": "TARGET-NBL",
    "disease_type": [
      "Neuroepitheliomatous Neoplasms",
      "Not Applicable"
    "name": "Neuroblastoma",
    "releasable": true,
    "state": "open",
    "released": true
  "warnings": {}

Files Endpoint

The GDC Files Endpoint enables search and retrieval of information relating to files stored in the GDC, including file properties such as file_name, md5sum, data_format, and others.


This example is a query for files contained in the GDC. It uses the from, size, sort, and pretty parameters, and returns only the first two files, sorted by file size, from smallest to largest.

curl ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "0ab5e358-b1ff-4433-8959-c37c5890d9aa",
        "data_format": "BEDPE",
        "access": "controlled",
        "file_name": "090e2828-079c-48e6-97cb-735c763da8d3.wgs.BRASS.rerun_structural_variation.bedpe.gz",
        "submitter_id": "247c3c9a-58b9-4b70-bda8-cb197acb5609",
        "data_category": "Somatic Structural Variation",
        "acl": [
        "type": "structural_variation",
        "file_size": 20,
        "created_datetime": "2022-04-08T20:27:04.633842-05:00",
        "updated_datetime": "2022-07-07T11:02:27.204310-05:00",
        "file_id": "0ab5e358-b1ff-4433-8959-c37c5890d9aa",
        "data_type": "Structural Rearrangement",
        "state": "released",
        "experimental_strategy": "WGS",
        "version": "1",
        "data_release": "34.0 - 37.0"
        "id": "a8bc2405-b57d-48bb-b241-18b3e28caa56",
        "data_format": "BEDPE",
        "access": "controlled",
        "file_name": "eae76f14-8aa7-427f-a90c-4e0ed095e0c2.wgs.BRASS.rerun_structural_variation.bedpe.gz",
        "submitter_id": "618cd251-ddcb-4a7e-9a6d-efb132b0bd7a",
        "data_category": "Somatic Structural Variation",
        "acl": [
        "type": "structural_variation",
        "file_size": 20,
        "created_datetime": "2022-04-08T20:43:16.505747-05:00",
        "updated_datetime": "2022-07-07T11:00:43.345766-05:00",
        "file_id": "a8bc2405-b57d-48bb-b241-18b3e28caa56",
        "data_type": "Structural Rearrangement",
        "state": "released",
        "experimental_strategy": "WGS",
        "version": "1",
        "data_release": "34.0 - 37.0"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 2,
      "total": 931947,
      "size": 2,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "None",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 465974
  "warnings": {}

Retrieval of file metadata using individual UUIDs:

The /files endpoint supports a simple query format that retrieves the metadata of a single file using its UUID. Note that the /files endpoint is inactive when querying for earlier file versions. In that case, the /history or /files/versions endpoints should be used instead.

curl ''
  "data": {
    "data_format": "VCF",
    "access": "controlled",
    "file_name": "TCGA_BRCA.8d9cb5ae-e568-41fc-8b53-14467c2623dc.wxs.MuTect2.somatic_annotation.vcf.gz",
    "submitter_id": "675f31dd-70e5-4a72-8139-423b14b31564",
    "data_category": "Simple Nucleotide Variation",
    "acl": [
    "type": "annotated_somatic_mutation",
    "file_size": 6894331,
    "created_datetime": "2022-02-07T08:48:39.178606-06:00",
    "updated_datetime": "2022-02-09T12:11:12.781445-06:00",
    "file_id": "20f45e04-3c10-4f11-b57b-719880eab69e",
    "data_type": "Annotated Somatic Mutation",
    "state": "released",
    "experimental_strategy": "WXS",
    "version": "2",
    "data_release": "32.0 - 37.0"
  "warnings": {}

Note: The file_size field associated with each file is reported in bytes.

Example of retrieving file version information:

The endpoint enables search and retrieval of version information about a file. A file may be versioned if a file is updated by the GDC (e.g. using a new alignment algorithm or fixing a file that contained an error). Version refers to the instance of a particular file. Inputs can either be a list of UUIDs as shown in example 1 or a download manifest as shown in example 2. Output includes information about the current and latest version for any given file. While /files also returns information about a file version this endpoint will only work for the most recent version of a file whereas /files/versions will work for all previous and current versions of a file. In both examples below the output format can be modified by adding the format=tsv parameter.

curl ',2a03abac-f1a2-49a9-a57c-7543739dd862?pretty=true'
    "id": "1dd28069-5777-4ff9-bd2b-d1ba68e88b06",
    "filename": "1dd28069-5777-4ff9-bd2b-d1ba68e88b06.vcf.gz",
    "version": "1",
    "md5": "c2f9b196e154906a70c7ec46492a859d",
    "size": 332092,
    "state": "validated",
    "release": "12.0",
    "latest_id": "76b3f4d8-c6b7-4662-ac42-1d27d4684281",
    "latest_filename": "def1cc5b-55f0-4372-a3ff-df3ea93cf3e7.wxs.somaticsniper.raw_somatic_mutation.vcf.gz",
    "latest_version": "2",
    "latest_size": 357706,
    "latest_state": "validated",
    "latest_release": [
    "id": "2a03abac-f1a2-49a9-a57c-7543739dd862",
    "filename": "a5d86cde-32ca-4ed6-b1a5-5a47575f2ac6_gdc_realn_rehead.bam",
    "version": "1",
    "md5": "48686fcd84ac713d44261ca9e26b89fb",
    "size": 6653119038,
    "state": "validated",
    "release": "12.0",
    "latest_id": "de0ce84d-c286-405c-a556-39dac14c7c74",
    "latest_filename": "d45c33cc-88e2-4de5-a578-f7e31a6c0738.rna_seq.genomic.gdc_realn.bam",
    "latest_version": "2",
    "latest_size": 6223445806,
    "latest_state": "validated",
    "latest_release": [
curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: text/tsv" --data-binary @gdc_manifest_20180809_154816.txt
    "id": "0b20e27c-9a09-4f15-923f-d5b4f185dc22",
    "filename": "nationwidechildrens.org_clinical.TCGA-13-1500.xml",
    "version": "1",
    "md5": "597aa4df24c4d544b6c25cbd8b25a33e",
    "size": 44857,
    "state": "validated",
    "release": "12.0",
    "latest_id": "0b20e27c-9a09-4f15-923f-d5b4f185dc22",
    "latest_filename": "nationwidechildrens.org_clinical.TCGA-13-1500.xml",
    "latest_version": "1",
    "latest_md5": "597aa4df24c4d544b6c25cbd8b25a33e",
    "latest_size": 44857,
    "latest_state": "validated",
    "latest_release": [
    "id": "3edc7084-013c-4493-8507-c00b0e9962d8",
    "filename": "BUCKS_p_TCGA_272_273_N_GenomeWideSNP_6_G05_1320676.grch38.seg.v2.txt",
    "version": "1",
    "md5": "35a18d990a05eedfaf96e753bee0b96d",
    "size": 27620,
    "state": "validated",
    "release": "12.0",
    "latest_id": "3edc7084-013c-4493-8507-c00b0e9962d8",
    "latest_filename": "BUCKS_p_TCGA_272_273_N_GenomeWideSNP_6_G05_1320676.grch38.seg.v2.txt",
    "latest_version": "1",
    "latest_md5": "35a18d990a05eedfaf96e753bee0b96d",
    "latest_size": 27620,
    "latest_state": "validated",
    "latest_release": [
    "id": "a22f5e32-b16e-458f-a412-7e438056ece6",
    "filename": "a22f5e32-b16e-458f-a412-7e438056ece6.vep.vcf.gz",
    "version": "1",
    "md5": "68b2433b31679bbbc6681919a1b81762",
    "size": 2346,
    "state": "validated",
    "release": "12.0",
    "latest_id": "55491171-6170-45cb-af9d-d99345b289e5",
    "latest_filename": "4b89bb97-41f6-43c4-a481-287556f7bb4a.targeted_sequencing.annotated_somatic_mutation.vcf.gz",
    "latest_version": "2",
    "latest_size": 2618,
    "latest_state": "validated",
    "latest_release": [

Cases Endpoint

The GDC Cases Endpoint enables search and retrieval of information related to a specific case.

The cases endpoint is designed to retrieve the metadata associated with one or more cases, including all nested biospecimen entities. Filters can be applied to retrieve information for entire cases, but not for lower-level biospecimen entities. For example, a sample within a case cannot be used to query for aliquots that are associated only with that sample. All aliquots associated with the case would be retrieved.


This example is a query for files contained in GDC. It returns case where submitter id is TCGA-BH-A0EA, using the pretty and filters parameters and the following filtering operators:



curl ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "1f601832-eee3-48fb-acf5-80c4a454f26e",
        "slide_ids": [
        "submitter_slide_ids": [
        "disease_type": "Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0EA",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": null,
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Breast",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2019-08-06T14:15:54.128069-05:00",
        "case_id": "1f601832-eee3-48fb-acf5-80c4a454f26e",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
    "pagination": {
      "count": 1,
      "total": 1,
      "size": 10,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 1
  "warnings": {}

Retrieval of case metadata using individual UUIDs:

The cases endpoint supports a simple query format that retrieves the metadata of a single case using its UUID:

curl ''
  "data": {
    "slide_ids": [
    "submitter_slide_ids": [
    "disease_type": "Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms",
    "analyte_ids": [
    "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0EA",
    "submitter_analyte_ids": [
    "aliquot_ids": [
    "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
    "diagnoses": [
        "synchronous_malignancy": "Not Reported",
        "ajcc_pathologic_stage": "Stage IIA",
        "days_to_diagnosis": 0,
        "created_datetime": null,
        "last_known_disease_status": "not reported",
        "tissue_or_organ_of_origin": "Breast, NOS",
        "days_to_last_follow_up": null,
        "age_at_diagnosis": 26548,
        "primary_diagnosis": "Infiltrating duct carcinoma, NOS",
        "updated_datetime": "2019-08-08T16:25:42.215495-05:00",
        "prior_malignancy": "yes",
        "year_of_diagnosis": 2008,
        "state": "released",
        "prior_treatment": "No",
        "days_to_last_known_disease_status": null,
        "ajcc_staging_system_edition": "6th",
        "ajcc_pathologic_t": "T1c",
        "days_to_recurrence": null,
        "morphology": "8500/3",
        "ajcc_pathologic_n": "N1a",
        "ajcc_pathologic_m": "M0",
        "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0EA_diagnosis",
        "classification_of_tumor": "not reported",
        "diagnosis_id": "84654ad5-2a2c-5c3b-8340-ecac6a5550fe",
        "icd_10_code": "C50.9",
        "site_of_resection_or_biopsy": "Breast, NOS",
        "tumor_grade": "Not Reported",
        "progression_or_recurrence": "not reported"
    "created_datetime": null,
    "diagnosis_ids": [
    "sample_ids": [
    "submitter_sample_ids": [
    "primary_site": "Breast",
    "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
    "updated_datetime": "2019-08-06T14:15:54.128069-05:00",
    "case_id": "1f601832-eee3-48fb-acf5-80c4a454f26e",
    "state": "released",
    "portion_ids": [
    "submitter_portion_ids": [
  "warnings": {}

Annotations Endpoint

The GDC Annotation Endpoint enables search and retrieval of annotations stored in the GDC.


This example is a query for any annotations directly associated with the following GDC entities:

  • the case with UUID e0d36cc0-652c-4224-bb10-09d15c7bd8f1
  • the sample with UUID 25ebc29a-7598-4ae4-ba7f-618d448882cc
  • the aliquot with UUID fe660d7c-2746-4b50-ab93-b2ed99960553

The query uses the filters parameter to specify entity UUIDs. Code samples below include the bare and percent-encoded filter JSON.

curl ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "category": "Item flagged DNU",
        "status": "Approved",
        "entity_id": "fe660d7c-2746-4b50-ab93-b2ed99960553",
        "classification": "CenterNotification",
        "entity_type": "aliquot",
        "created_datetime": "2015-09-28T00:00:00",
        "annotation_id": "5ddadefe-8b57-5ce2-b8b2-918d63d99a59",
        "notes": "The aliquot failed Broad pipeline QC and not all files are suitable for use. Consult the SDRF file to determine which files are usable.",
        "updated_datetime": "2017-03-09T13:20:38.962182-06:00",
        "submitter_id": "29087",
        "state": "submitted",
        "case_id": "41b59716-116f-4942-8b63-409870a87e26",
        "case_submitter_id": "TCGA-DK-A3IM",
        "entity_submitter_id": "TCGA-DK-A3IM-10A-01D-A20B-01",
        "id": "5ddadefe-8b57-5ce2-b8b2-918d63d99a59"
        "category": "Item is noncanonical",
        "status": "Approved",
        "entity_id": "25ebc29a-7598-4ae4-ba7f-618d448882cc",
        "classification": "Notification",
        "entity_type": "sample",
        "created_datetime": "2012-07-12T00:00:00",
        "annotation_id": "d6500f94-618f-5334-a810-ade76b887ec9",
        "notes": "No Matching Normal",
        "updated_datetime": "2017-03-09T13:47:18.182075-06:00",
        "submitter_id": "8009",
        "state": "submitted",
        "case_id": "bd114e05-5a97-41e2-a0d5-5d39a1e9d461",
        "case_submitter_id": "TCGA-08-0514",
        "entity_submitter_id": "TCGA-08-0514-01A",
        "id": "d6500f94-618f-5334-a810-ade76b887ec9"
        "category": "Prior malignancy",
        "status": "Approved",
        "entity_id": "e0d36cc0-652c-4224-bb10-09d15c7bd8f1",
        "classification": "Notification",
        "entity_type": "case",
        "created_datetime": "2013-03-12T00:00:00",
        "annotation_id": "33336cdf-2cf0-5af2-bb52-fecd3427f180",
        "notes": "Patient had a prior lymphoma. Unknown radiation or systemic chemotherapy.",
        "updated_datetime": "2017-03-09T12:11:31.786013-06:00",
        "submitter_id": "15630",
        "state": "submitted",
        "case_id": "e0d36cc0-652c-4224-bb10-09d15c7bd8f1",
        "case_submitter_id": "TCGA-FS-A1ZF",
        "entity_submitter_id": "TCGA-FS-A1ZF",
        "id": "33336cdf-2cf0-5af2-bb52-fecd3427f180"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 3,
      "sort": "",
      "from": 0,
      "page": 1,
      "total": 3,
      "pages": 1,
      "size": 10
  "warnings": {}

History Endpoint

The GDC History Endpoint enables search and retrieval of version and release information about a file. This endpoint will return the entire provenance of all versions of a file. A file may be versioned if a file is updated by the GDC (e.g. using a new alignment algorithm or fixing a file that contained an error). Version refers to the instance of a particular file. Release refers to which data release a file was part of. A file may be a part of many different data releases with no change in version number or content.


This example is a query for versioning information associated with the follow with file 1dd28069-5777-4ff9-bd2b-d1ba68e88b06.

curl ''
[{"uuid": "1dd28069-5777-4ff9-bd2b-d1ba68e88b06", "version": "1", "file_change": "superseded", "release_date": "2018-08-23", "data_release": "12.0"}, {"uuid": "76b3f4d8-c6b7-4662-ac42-1d27d4684281", "version": "2", "file_change": "released", "release_date": "2022-03-29", "data_release": "32.0"}]

_mapping Endpoint

Each search and retrieval endpoint is equipped with a _mapping endpoint that provides information about available fields. For example, files/_mapping endpoint provides information about fields and field groups available at the files endpoint:

The high-level structure of a response to a _mapping query is as follows:

"_mapping": {}
, "defaults": []
, "expand": []
, "fields": []
, "multi": []
, "nested": []

Each part of the response is described below:

Part Description
_mapping All available fields and their descriptions. The endpoint-agnostic field names provided here are compatible with the filters parameter but are not always compatible with the fields parameter
defaults The default set of fields included in the API response when the fields parameter is not used in the request
expand Field group names for use with the expand parameter
fields All available fields in an endpoint-specific format that is compatible with both the filters and fields parameters
multi GDC internal use
nested Nested fields


curl ''
This output was put thought a json format application for easier viewability.

      "_mapping": {
        "projects.disease_type": {
          "doc_type": "projects",
          "field": "disease_type",
          "type": "id"
        "": {
          "doc_type": "projects",
          "field": "name",
          "type": "id"



Similar information can be obtained using the fields parameter; fields queries provide additional information in the response, such as the name of the Elastic Search document (doc_type), the field name and the type of value. A list of supported types (such as string, long, float, ...) can be obtained from Elastic Search Documentation.

Request Parameters

The GDC API supports the following search & retrieval request parameters:

Parameter Default Description
filters null Specifies search parameters
format JSON Specifies the API response format: JSON, XML, or TSV
pretty false Returns response with indentations and line breaks in a human-readable format
fields null Specifies which fields to include in the response
expand null Returns multiple related fields
size 10 Specifies the number of results to return
from 0 Specifies the first record to return from a set of search results
sort null Specifies sorting for the search results
facets null Provides all existing values for a given field and the number of records having this value.

Filters: Specifying the Query

The filters parameter enables passing of complex search queries to the GDC API. The parameter carries a query in the form of a JSON object.

Query Format

A filters query consists of an operator (or a nested set of operators) with a set of field and value operands.

The following filters query operators are supported by the GDC API:

Operator Description Number of Operands Logic example
= equals (string or number) one gender = "female"
!= does not equal (string or number) one project_id != "TARGET-AML"
< less than (number) one age at diagnosis < 90y
<= less than or equal (number) one age at diagnosis <= 17
> greater than (number) one age at diagnosis > 50
>= greater than or equal (number) one age at diagnosis >= 18
is is (missing) one gender is missing
not not (missing) one race not missing
in matches a string or number in (a list) multiple primary_site in [Brain, Lung]
exclude does not match any strings or values in (a list) multiple experimental_strategy exclude [WXS, WGS, "Genotyping array"]
and (operation1) and (operation2) multiple {primary_site in [Brain, Lung]} and
or (operation1) or (operation2) multiple {project_id != "TARGET-AML"} or

The field operand specifies a field that corresponds to a property defined in the GDC Data Dictionary. A list of supported fields is provided in Appendix A; the list can also be accessed programmatically at the _mapping endpoint.

The value operand specifies the search terms. Users can get a list of available values for a specific property by making a call to the appropriate API endpoint using the facets parameter, e.g. See Facets for details.

A simple query with a single operator looks like this:


A more complex query with multiple operators looks like this:

                "value":"Gene Expression Quantification"

Example: HTTP GET Request

This example requests male cases using HTTP GET.

The JSON object to be passed to the GDC API looks like:

    "op": "=",
    "content": {
        "field": "cases.demographic.gender",
        "value": [

URL-encoding the above JSON object using Percent-(URL)-encoding tool results in the following string:


The above string can now be passed to the GDC API using the filters parameter:

 curl  ''
import requests
import json
cases_endpt = ''
filt = {"op":"=",
            "field": "cases.demographic.gender",
            "value": ["male"]
params = {'filters':json.dumps(filt), 'sort':'demographic.gender:asc'}
# requests URL-encodes automatically
response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "03974dc9-0162-4de8-9897-09f88693681a",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Nevi and Melanomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-BROD-0334-C43",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "days_to_consent": null,
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2020-05-21T08:55:40.814734-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "consent_type": null,
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Skin",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2021-03-03T15:15:08.075155-06:00",
        "case_id": "03974dc9-0162-4de8-9897-09f88693681a",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "03bfeb7c-cecf-4691-8263-33cdfe391ea9",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-BROD-0124-C25",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-04-16T11:21:56.471158-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Pancreas",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2021-07-12T12:25:55.528644-05:00",
        "case_id": "03bfeb7c-cecf-4691-8263-33cdfe391ea9",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "05f41641-ee22-4d41-bb87-2bfa47cd983f",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "slide_ids": [
        "submitter_slide_ids": [
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-BROD-0095-C15",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "days_to_consent": null,
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-04-04T14:07:27.780827-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "consent_type": null,
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Esophagus",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2021-01-06T22:55:10.531130-06:00",
        "case_id": "05f41641-ee22-4d41-bb87-2bfa47cd983f",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "07a067d0-7dfc-4817-b4c5-9200da20a59f",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-SANG-0268-C18",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "days_to_consent": null,
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2020-05-29T12:07:57.849637-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "consent_type": null,
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Colon",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "07a067d0-7dfc-4817-b4c5-9200da20a59f",
        "index_date": "Sample Procurement",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "0a6a14db-ca5c-4bf9-9125-611d672bc67b",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-SANG-0271-D12",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "days_to_consent": null,
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2020-07-08T11:54:16.081928-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "consent_type": null,
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Colon",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "0a6a14db-ca5c-4bf9-9125-611d672bc67b",
        "index_date": "Sample Procurement",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "0cf7d1fe-e9c7-4e84-9497-df13ca2ed2c9",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-SANG-0287-C20",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-10-14T10:45:59.013881-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Rectum",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "0cf7d1fe-e9c7-4e84-9497-df13ca2ed2c9",
        "index_date": "Sample Procurement",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "0e9a9e97-f0bf-4f4a-84cc-73eccfc627b1",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-CSHL-0376-D37",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-10-14T13:24:10.078043-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Colon",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "0e9a9e97-f0bf-4f4a-84cc-73eccfc627b1",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "149a8565-e0c5-4474-a693-d44f1b445c0c",
        "lost_to_followup": "Yes",
        "slide_ids": [
        "submitter_slide_ids": [
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Gliomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-BROD-0199-C71",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-04-04T15:00:32.807421-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Brain",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2021-01-06T22:55:10.531130-06:00",
        "case_id": "149a8565-e0c5-4474-a693-d44f1b445c0c",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "19b1e69a-355a-4dd7-9c56-d701f6c2c5a0",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-SANG-0299-C15",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-10-14T10:46:36.257369-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Esophagus",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "19b1e69a-355a-4dd7-9c56-d701f6c2c5a0",
        "index_date": "Sample Procurement",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
        "id": "19f1d344-4c14-4733-abbd-c2db6737e210",
        "lost_to_followup": null,
        "days_to_lost_to_followup": null,
        "disease_type": "Ductal and Lobular Neoplasms",
        "analyte_ids": [
        "submitter_id": "HCM-CSHL-0081-C25",
        "submitter_analyte_ids": [
        "aliquot_ids": [
        "submitter_aliquot_ids": [
        "created_datetime": "2019-09-19T08:58:31.776805-05:00",
        "diagnosis_ids": [
        "sample_ids": [
        "submitter_sample_ids": [
        "primary_site": "Pancreas",
        "submitter_diagnosis_ids": [
        "updated_datetime": "2023-02-22T07:39:25.979291-06:00",
        "case_id": "19f1d344-4c14-4733-abbd-c2db6737e210",
        "index_date": "Diagnosis",
        "state": "released",
        "portion_ids": [
        "submitter_portion_ids": [
    "pagination": {
      "count": 10,
      "total": 40232,
      "size": 10,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 4024
  "warnings": {}

Example: HTTP POST Request

This example demonstrates how to obtain metadata in TSV format for a set of files using their UUIDs (e.g. UUIDs obtained from a download manifest file generated by the GDC Data Portal).

The first step is to construct a JSON query object, including filters, fields, format, and size parameters. The object is then submitted as HTTP POST payload to the GDC API using curl, in order to retrieve a TSV file with the requested metadata.

curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @Payload.txt '' > File_metadata.txt
cases_0_submitter_id    cases_0_case_id data_type   cases_0_samples_0_sample_type   cases_0_samples_0_tissue_type   file_name   cases_0_samples_0_submitter_id  cases_0_samples_0_portions_0_analytes_0_aliquots_0_aliquot_id   cases_0_samples_0_sample_id file_id data_category   cases_0_samples_0_tumor_descriptor  cases_0_samples_0_portions_0_analytes_0_aliquots_0_submitter_id
TCGA-B0-5094    8aaa4e25-5c12-4ace-96dc-91aaa0c4457c    Aligned Reads   Solid Tissue Normal     C345.TCGA-B0-5094-11A-01D-1421-08.5_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-B0-5094-11A    b4e4630a-b38c-4b62-b0e8-d73f0e3b4e47    7519d7a8-c3ee-417b-9cfc-111bc5ad0637    0001801b-54b0-4551-8d7a-d66fb59429bf    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-B0-5094-11A-01D-1421-08
TCGA-B0-5117    ae55b2d3-62a1-419e-9f9a-5ddfac356db4    Aligned Reads   Solid Tissue Normal     C345.TCGA-B0-5117-11A-01D-1421-08.5_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-B0-5117-11A    45c68b6b-0bed-424d-9a77-4f87bbaa3649    b1116541-bece-4df3-b3dd-cec50aeb277b    003143c8-bbbf-46b9-a96f-f58530f4bb82    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-B0-5117-11A-01D-1421-08
TCGA-G7-6790    e7a1cbe2-793c-4747-8412-8be794f2382b    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C489.TCGA-G7-6790-10A-01D-1962-08.2_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-G7-6790-10A    66cbb40f-14b3-40c0-a332-e8a8e21bca11    4be83d0f-8b09-4e9e-8318-358371d34332    004e2a2c-1acc-4873-9379-ef1aa12283b6    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-G7-6790-10A-01D-1962-08
TCGA-B9-A69E    a4225cb2-7b4b-4122-b6b9-629c26e3ea56    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        TCGA-B9-A69E-10A-01D-A31X-10_Illumina_gdc_realn.bam TCGA-B9-A69E-10A    f4799bdc-b207-4053-9a4b-5a26ebf8ab91    5d6d6cd4-6a7b-499d-936a-1be9bf74b07f    0084a614-780b-42ec-b85f-7a1b83128cd3    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-B9-A69E-10A-01D-A31X-10
TCGA-EE-A2GU    24faa36a-268d-4a13-b3ae-eacd431a2bcc    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C828.TCGA-EE-A2GU-10A-01D-A198-08.2_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-EE-A2GU-10A    c3feacc2-5a26-4bb2-a312-8b2ee53ccad1    cc4a5ed8-376a-4842-a25d-ffb07d8e1ca0    00c74a8b-10aa-40cc-991e-3365ea1f3fce    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-EE-A2GU-10A-01D-A198-08
TCGA-CE-A484    e62a728d-390f-428a-bea1-fc8c9814fb11    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C499.TCGA-CE-A484-10A-01D-A23U-08.3_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-CE-A484-10A    641a0220-6eec-434a-b606-e256113b65da    27a8008e-044a-4966-b518-cc6905e292ca    00df5a50-bce3-4edf-a078-641e54800dcb    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-CE-A484-10A-01D-A23U-08
TCGA-DA-A1IB    8fc9cc74-f388-49f0-b957-debb62638634    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C828.TCGA-DA-A1IB-10A-01D-A198-08.2_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-DA-A1IB-10A    30919a1a-df9f-4604-835e-f66ac7bcacdf    432952c5-6505-4220-a581-f65270a45281    00ab2b5a-b59e-4ec9-b297-76f74ff1d3fb    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-DA-A1IB-10A-01D-A198-08
TCGA-AX-A2HG    7a2cf5ce-8317-4fff-946e-b9937afab815    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        6c2a8ea343da8d6cc0fd2043492f16df_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-AX-A2HG-10A    8c34ffe2-9012-4b4a-b610-a42a9c6a9780    ef4b80ec-b453-48ec-8ad8-ccac83e1e4db    00c5f14e-a398-4076-95d1-25f320ee3a37    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-AX-A2HG-10A-01D-A17D-09
TCGA-EC-A24G    b5c1e511-baf2-45b3-9919-110e8941e3c2    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        671333b193812fc2bd2744053b383459_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-EC-A24G-10A    2a8cb8fe-b64f-453e-8139-7ede12f3fc51    61cf2e54-1b8d-40a0-9c73-a7449cbd570a    00a5e471-a79f-4d56-8a4c-4847ac037400    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-EC-A24G-10A-01D-A16D-09
TCGA-B5-A0K0    29c8f468-5ac1-4d6c-8376-e36e6d246926    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        TCGA-B5-A0K0-10A-01W-A062-09_IlluminaGA-DNASeq_exome_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-B5-A0K0-10A    02e65074-ffda-4795-b8f5-1bfd20bd1019    1df69e2e-f392-465f-8e61-4671ba2fcd35    007ce9b5-3268-441e-9ffd-b40d1127a319    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-B5-A0K0-10A-01W-A062-09
TCGA-C8-A27B    f0d8a1fe-e313-44f1-99cc-b965cbeeff0e    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        3c99d98ea8eb6acbf819e67fc77623d9_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-C8-A27B-10A    922226ba-6244-4953-ad42-f4daa474c288    31139082-7978-45aa-9d8f-ac4789ac5cec    006b8839-31e5-4697-b912-8e3f4124dd15    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-C8-A27B-10A-01D-A167-09
TCGA-E9-A295    fec0da58-1047-44d2-b6d1-c18cceed43dc    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        fd4421a6bbf3efd4e3d5c17fdd610314_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-E9-A295-10A    cd761feb-9a20-4495-8943-c6243532a5cf    e74183e1-f0b4-412a-8dac-a62d404add78    002c67f2-ff52-4246-9d65-a3f69df6789e    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-E9-A295-10A-01D-A16D-09
TCGA-EB-A44O    c787c4da-c564-44f1-89eb-dd9da107acb1    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C828.TCGA-EB-A44O-10A-01D-A25O-08.3_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-EB-A44O-10A    c723584a-c404-4c88-bfea-e40f5dbba542    5b738547-1825-4684-81bd-864bf2eb43ef    006ce9a8-cf38-462e-bb99-7f08499244ab    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-EB-A44O-10A-01D-A25O-08
TCGA-A2-A3XX    53886143-c1c6-40e9-88e6-e4e5e0271fc8    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        b40998d4778f18ed80d6dd8bff0eb761_gdc_realn.bam  TCGA-A2-A3XX-10A    e96d5811-4736-40dd-966d-e0e172aeb0af    c6eb6218-ad71-40a6-88b7-a4f1a015b816    0043d981-3c6b-463f-b512-ab1d076d3e62    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-A2-A3XX-10A-01D-A23C-09
TCGA-EB-A3XB    a9255dcb-b236-4777-ac43-555e3a5386c3    Aligned Reads   Blood Derived Normal        C828.TCGA-EB-A3XB-10B-01D-A23B-08.1_gdc_realn.bam   TCGA-EB-A3XB-10B    9f4ffc2f-d006-4d86-b3b1-b25020481893    0e1d4c7c-204d-4765-b090-68ed4cd83835    005239a8-2e63-4ff1-9cd4-714f81837a61    Raw Sequencing Data     TCGA-EB-A3XB-10B-01D-A23B-08


Specifies the format of the API response: JSON (default), TSV or XML.


curl  ''
import requests

cases_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'submitter_id',
response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params = params)
id  submitter_id
0286c31b-a704-4d7d-99e3-0bc4e8975b8b    HCM-CSHL-0084-C25
02f6d684-b6b5-419a-b0e1-b74d0a384a30    HCM-BROD-0408-C71
03974dc9-0162-4de8-9897-09f88693681a    HCM-BROD-0334-C43
03bfeb7c-cecf-4691-8263-33cdfe391ea9    HCM-BROD-0124-C25
04cbceab-f945-482b-956b-840756a17a4a    HCM-BROD-0421-C71
curl  ''
import requests

cases_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'submitter_id',
response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params = params)
<?xml version="1.0" ?>


Returns when the pretty parameter is set to true, the API response is formatted with additional whitespace to improve legibility.


curl  ''
{"data": {"hits": [{"id": "be37f1f7-2f98-4f74-bc04-6dd2ae2afcad", "submitter_id": "01BR001"}, {"id": "e6915db0-7c89-484d-8f9f-15cca68b82fc", "submitter_id": "01BR008"}, {"id": "16614d46-172b-479c-992b-e80a8e9a2c59", "submitter_id": "01BR009"}, {"id": "567fc9e3-17a6-42b1-a896-5e9a9507d1d8", "submitter_id": "01BR010"}, {"id": "54e89878-a1bc-4f5a-9d68-4842a469586e", "submitter_id": "01BR015"}], "pagination": {"count": 5, "total": 86962, "size": 5, "from": 0, "sort": "None", "page": 1, "pages": 17393}}, "warnings": {}}
curl  ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "be37f1f7-2f98-4f74-bc04-6dd2ae2afcad",
        "submitter_id": "01BR001"
        "id": "e6915db0-7c89-484d-8f9f-15cca68b82fc",
        "submitter_id": "01BR008"
        "id": "16614d46-172b-479c-992b-e80a8e9a2c59",
        "submitter_id": "01BR009"
        "id": "567fc9e3-17a6-42b1-a896-5e9a9507d1d8",
        "submitter_id": "01BR010"
        "id": "54e89878-a1bc-4f5a-9d68-4842a469586e",
        "submitter_id": "01BR015"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 5,
      "total": 86962,
      "size": 5,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "None",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 17393
  "warnings": {}


This query parameter specifies which fields are to be included in the API response. The fields in the API response will be unordered. A listing of available fields for each endpoint is provided in Appendix A.


The following example requests case submitter ID, file UUID, file name and file size from the files endpoint.

curl ',file_id,file_name,file_size&pretty=true'
import requests
import json

files_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'cases.submitter_id,file_id,file_name,file_size'}
response = requests.get(files_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "d570eccc-3c1c-4c4f-ae04-96be71fbe016",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-AN-A0FL"
        "file_name": "TCGA-AN-A0FL-01Z-00-DX1.20A041C6-A306-4599-A7D1-65032A252AA9.svs",
        "file_id": "d570eccc-3c1c-4c4f-ae04-96be71fbe016",
        "file_size": 1055798681
        "id": "0f8d8202-a1ca-4ea1-98b2-c20a6b08479a",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-AN-A0FL"
        "file_name": "nationwidechildrens.org_ssf.TCGA-AN-A0FL.xml",
        "file_id": "0f8d8202-a1ca-4ea1-98b2-c20a6b08479a",
        "file_size": 15519
        "id": "b76f87b3-99c5-4297-b2df-8cbea8ecaf61",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A18F"
        "file_name": "7c4e4c2a-a0b1-424f-97d8-359825674429.wxs.aliquot_ensemble_masked.maf.gz",
        "file_id": "b76f87b3-99c5-4297-b2df-8cbea8ecaf61",
        "file_size": 21571
        "id": "be6d269d-4305-4643-b98e-af703a067761",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A18F"
        "file_name": "HITCH_p_TCGASNP_b93_N_GenomeWideSNP_6_E11_741424.CEL",
        "file_id": "be6d269d-4305-4643-b98e-af703a067761",
        "file_size": 69084893
        "id": "fed73119-1d5e-4f7e-9713-183d1916422b",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A18F"
        "file_name": "3b928f83-14a7-4bd6-a9b0-744b414d4495.wxs.varscan2.raw_somatic_mutation.vcf.gz",
        "file_id": "fed73119-1d5e-4f7e-9713-183d1916422b",
        "file_size": 35903
        "id": "6877b045-91f1-4030-82ff-b90507e11e17",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A18F"
        "file_name": "5057e3cb-25cd-4a67-8d31-6ac8508ba3c7.methylation_array.sesame.level3betas.txt",
        "file_id": "6877b045-91f1-4030-82ff-b90507e11e17",
        "file_size": 770500
        "id": "07e8cdc7-d228-4752-ad19-800abd507277",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0BM"
        "file_name": "TCGA-BRCA.28dcad29-448e-4bcb-911d-556c6f4a5573.star_fusion.rna_fusion.tsv",
        "file_id": "07e8cdc7-d228-4752-ad19-800abd507277",
        "file_size": 234
        "id": "fef57b45-ede1-49b0-b60d-957a55a15e0e",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0BM"
        "file_name": "nationwidechildrens.org_biospecimen.TCGA-BH-A0BM.xml",
        "file_id": "fef57b45-ede1-49b0-b60d-957a55a15e0e",
        "file_size": 127218
        "id": "81a1b323-88b6-4837-bccf-ac84a79828b6",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A0BM"
        "file_name": "TCGA-BRCA.4570b87f-8116-48bf-86d3-b993536c88db.gene_level_copy_number.v36.tsv",
        "file_id": "81a1b323-88b6-4837-bccf-ac84a79828b6",
        "file_size": 3446816
        "id": "c6bf94a6-9940-4155-86b4-bbb10875dbdb",
        "cases": [
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-BH-A18F"
        "file_name": "TCGA-BRCA.88cae21a-4890-4fdd-a678-c4864620942c.star_fusion.rna_fusion.bedpe",
        "file_id": "c6bf94a6-9940-4155-86b4-bbb10875dbdb",
        "file_size": 229
    "pagination": {
      "count": 10,
      "total": 931947,
      "size": 10,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 93195
  "warnings": {}


The expand parameter provides a shortcut to request multiple related fields (field groups) in the response. Instead of specifying each field using the fields parameter, users can specify a field group name using the expand parameter to request all fields in the group. Available field groups are listed in Appendix A; the list can also be accessed programmatically at the _mapping endpoint. The fields and expand parameters can be used together to request custom combinations of field groups and individual fields.


curl ''
  "data": {
    "proportion_reads_mapped": 0.9648433596149857,
    "access": "controlled",
    "proportion_base_mismatch": 0.004117986,
    "contamination_error": 0,
    "acl": [
    "type": "aligned_reads",
    "platform": "Illumina",
    "created_datetime": "2022-05-12T14:42:10.014925-05:00",
    "updated_datetime": "2022-11-01T11:52:54.136033-05:00",
    "pairs_on_diff_chr": 1170013,
    "state": "released",
    "data_format": "BAM",
    "total_reads": 379313036,
    "proportion_coverage_30x": 0.000109,
    "cases": [
        "samples": [
            "sample_type_id": "10",
            "tumor_descriptor": "Not Reported",
            "sample_id": "4e128a37-be58-477a-a01f-448179360b7c",
            "sample_type": "Blood Derived Normal",
            "tumor_code": null,
            "created_datetime": null,
            "time_between_excision_and_freezing": null,
            "composition": "Not Reported",
            "updated_datetime": "2022-04-28T22:05:09.013808-05:00",
            "days_to_collection": 6755,
            "state": "released",
            "initial_weight": null,
            "preservation_method": null,
            "intermediate_dimension": null,
            "time_between_clamping_and_freezing": null,
            "freezing_method": null,
            "pathology_report_uuid": null,
            "submitter_id": "TCGA-B6-A0RI-10A",
            "tumor_code_id": null,
            "shortest_dimension": null,
            "oct_embedded": "false",
            "days_to_sample_procurement": null,
            "longest_dimension": null,
            "current_weight": null,
            "is_ffpe": false,
            "tissue_type": "Not Reported"
    "file_name": "c9478f7d-bfe3-4e80-8161-39b3d440fa16_wgs_gdc_realn.bam",
    "mean_coverage": 5.452655,
    "proportion_reads_duplicated": 0.009253781617987946,
    "submitter_id": "a4e380e5-420e-49af-986d-e721601065fb",
    "data_category": "Sequencing Reads",
    "proportion_coverage_10x": 0.07674,
    "file_size": 42958286722,
    "contamination": 0,
    "average_base_quality": 32,
    "file_id": "573ee7e9-b8bd-419e-808b-a027c4311731",
    "data_type": "Aligned Reads",
    "average_insert_size": 207,
    "average_read_length": 51,
    "experimental_strategy": "WGS",
    "version": "1",
    "data_release": "36.0 - 37.0"
  "warnings": {}

Size and From

GDC API provides a pagination feature that limits the number of results returned by the API. It is implemented using size and from query parameters.

The size query parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return. Default size is 10. If the number of query results is greater than size, only some of the results will be returned.

The from query parameter specifies the first record to return out of the set of results. For example, if there are 20 cases returned from the cases endpoint, then setting from to 11 will return results 12 to 20. The from parameter can be used in conjunction with the size parameter to return a specific subset of results.


curl ''
import requests
import json

files_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'file_name',
          'from':0, 'size':2}
response = requests.get(files_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "d570eccc-3c1c-4c4f-ae04-96be71fbe016",
        "file_name": "TCGA-AN-A0FL-01Z-00-DX1.20A041C6-A306-4599-A7D1-65032A252AA9.svs"
        "id": "0f8d8202-a1ca-4ea1-98b2-c20a6b08479a",
        "file_name": "nationwidechildrens.org_ssf.TCGA-AN-A0FL.xml"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 2,
      "total": 931947,
      "size": 2,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 465974
  "warnings": {}
curl ''
import requests
import json

files_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'file_name',
          'from':101, 'size':5}
response = requests.get(files_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "297933f5-1316-4cb6-b53f-9dbfa7f3d7ed",
        "file_name": "TCGA-B6-A0RH-01A-02-TSB.ea83f31e-defb-4436-8a58-5b66b18d13b5.svs"
        "id": "2f31e897-b3e8-49f1-a400-ccf9f00f294a",
        "file_name": "URAEI_p_TCGASNP_b85_N_GenomeWideSNP_6_F01_735050.grch38.seg.v2.txt"
        "id": "ebd6cf90-4f6b-4193-887a-22fdb5645fbc",
        "file_name": "TCGA-BRCA.5994c06d-ee9b-4ead-b3d1-2e1f286f7d6d.ascat2.allelic_specific.seg.txt"
        "id": "aebd6b5a-e676-4357-93df-523b31b55ea0",
        "file_name": "TCGA-BRCA.c737131c-636f-4e1b-89b8-bb2d6ddd8164.star_fusion.rna_fusion.bedpe"
        "id": "aa83a7e7-e9cc-4330-a7be-ca750cffb74c",
        "file_name": ""
    "pagination": {
      "count": 5,
      "total": 931947,
      "size": 5,
      "from": 101,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 21,
      "pages": 186390
  "warnings": {}


The sort query parameter sorts the results by a specific field, and with the sort direction specified using the :asc (ascending) or :desc (descending) prefix, e.g. sort=field:desc. A list of all valid field names is available in Appendix A; the list can also be accessed programmatically at the _mapping endpoint.


Sort cases by submitter_id in ascending order:

curl  ''
import requests
import json

cases_endpt = ''
params = {'fields':'submitter_id',
response = requests.get(cases_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [
        "id": "be37f1f7-2f98-4f74-bc04-6dd2ae2afcad",
        "submitter_id": "01BR001"
        "id": "e6915db0-7c89-484d-8f9f-15cca68b82fc",
        "submitter_id": "01BR008"
        "id": "16614d46-172b-479c-992b-e80a8e9a2c59",
        "submitter_id": "01BR009"
        "id": "567fc9e3-17a6-42b1-a896-5e9a9507d1d8",
        "submitter_id": "01BR010"
        "id": "54e89878-a1bc-4f5a-9d68-4842a469586e",
        "submitter_id": "01BR015"
        "id": "a1c7b7b9-b8c8-48c3-9420-55497f9318fd",
        "submitter_id": "01BR017"
        "id": "ce3c8b98-e275-4cfd-a379-940d675a564b",
        "submitter_id": "01BR018"
        "id": "e4ce89ef-bcaa-418a-8a6b-3602793b9bbf",
        "submitter_id": "01BR020"
        "id": "19d3c861-8a5f-49a2-acc0-b55b25465c35",
        "submitter_id": "01BR023"
        "id": "afae8dce-294a-4108-bb28-376f804ae5c4",
        "submitter_id": "01BR025"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 10,
      "total": 86962,
      "size": 10,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "None",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 8697
  "warnings": {}


The facets parameter provides aggregate information for a specified field. It provides all values that exist for that field, and the number of entities (cases, projects, files, or annotations) that this value. The primary intended use of this parameter is for displaying aggregate information in the GDC Data Portal.

The facets parameter can be used in conjunction with the filters parameter to get aggregate information for a set of search results. The following limitations apply when using facets and filters together:

  1. The filters object's top level operator must be and, and the internal filters must be limited to: =, !=, in, exclude, is, and not.
  2. The information provided by facets for a given field will disregard any filters applied to that same field.


This is an example of a request for a count of projects in each program.

curl  ''
import requests
import json

projects_endpt = ''
params = {'facets':'',
          'from':0, 'size':0,
response = requests.get(projects_endpt, params = params)
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=2))
  "data": {
    "hits": [],
    "aggregations": {
      "": {
        "buckets": [
            "doc_count": 33,
            "key": "TCGA"
            "doc_count": 10,
            "key": "MATCH"
            "doc_count": 9,
            "key": "TARGET"
            "doc_count": 4,
            "key": "CGCI"
            "doc_count": 3,
            "key": "CMI"
            "doc_count": 2,
            "key": "BEATAML1.0"
            "doc_count": 2,
            "key": "CPTAC"
            "doc_count": 2,
            "key": "MP2PRT"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "APOLLO"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "CDDP_EAGLE"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "CTSP"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "EXCEPTIONAL_RESPONDERS"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "FM"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "HCMI"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "MMRF"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "NCICCR"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "OHSU"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "ORGANOID"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "REBC"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "TRIO"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "VAREPOP"
            "doc_count": 1,
            "key": "WCDT"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "total": 79,
      "size": 0,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "None",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 79
  "warnings": {}


In this sample POST request, both filters and facets parameters are used. Note that facets ignores the primary_site filter.

curl --request POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data @Payload ''
  "data": {
    "hits": [],
    "aggregations": {
      "project.primary_site": {
        "buckets": [
            "doc_count": 1202,
            "key": "kidney"
            "doc_count": 1191,
            "key": "brain"
            "doc_count": 1176,
            "key": "bronchus and lung"
            "doc_count": 1156,
            "key": "breast"
            "doc_count": 952,
            "key": "colon"
            "doc_count": 947,
            "key": "stomach"
            "doc_count": 878,
            "key": "uterus, nos"
            "doc_count": 869,
            "key": "ovary"
            "doc_count": 821,
            "key": "corpus uteri"
            "doc_count": 789,
            "key": "other and unspecified parts of tongue"
            "doc_count": 670,
            "key": "connective, subcutaneous and other soft tissues"
            "doc_count": 633,
            "key": "rectosigmoid junction"
            "doc_count": 586,
            "key": "bones, joints and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites"
            "doc_count": 565,
            "key": "thyroid gland"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "base of tongue"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "floor of mouth"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "gum"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "hypopharynx"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "larynx"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "lip"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "oropharynx"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "other and ill-defined sites in lip, oral cavity and pharynx"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "other and unspecified parts of mouth"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "palate"
            "doc_count": 528,
            "key": "tonsil"
            "doc_count": 500,
            "key": "prostate gland"
            "doc_count": 498,
            "key": "retroperitoneum and peritoneum"
            "doc_count": 470,
            "key": "skin"
            "doc_count": 448,
            "key": "heart, mediastinum, and pleura"
            "doc_count": 428,
            "key": "liver and intrahepatic bile ducts"
            "doc_count": 412,
            "key": "bladder"
            "doc_count": 307,
            "key": "cervix uteri"
            "doc_count": 271,
            "key": "adrenal gland"
            "doc_count": 261,
            "key": "bones, joints and articular cartilage of limbs"
            "doc_count": 261,
            "key": "meninges"
            "doc_count": 261,
            "key": "other and unspecified male genital organs"
            "doc_count": 261,
            "key": "peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system"
            "doc_count": 258,
            "key": "hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems"
            "doc_count": 208,
            "key": "testis"
            "doc_count": 185,
            "key": "esophagus"
            "doc_count": 185,
            "key": "pancreas"
            "doc_count": 179,
            "key": "other and ill-defined sites"
            "doc_count": 179,
            "key": "other endocrine glands and related structures"
            "doc_count": 179,
            "key": "spinal cord, cranial nerves, and other parts of central nervous system"
            "doc_count": 172,
            "key": "rectum"
            "doc_count": 172,
            "key": "unknown"
            "doc_count": 124,
            "key": "thymus"
            "doc_count": 80,
            "key": "eye and adnexa"
            "doc_count": 58,
            "key": "lymph nodes"
            "doc_count": 58,
            "key": "other and unspecified major salivary glands"
            "doc_count": 58,
            "key": "small intestine"
            "doc_count": 51,
            "key": "gallbladder"
            "doc_count": 51,
            "key": "other and unspecified parts of biliary tract"
    "pagination": {
      "count": 0,
      "total": 1202,
      "size": 0,
      "from": 0,
      "sort": "",
      "page": 1,
      "pages": 1202
  "warnings": {}

Alternative Request Format

The GDC API also supports POST requests with Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded (curl default), which require payloads in the following format:


Using Wildcards

The GDC API supports the use of the wildcard character, an asterisk (*), in the value fields of a JSON query. For example, if a user wanted to retrieve information about projects with a disease type that ended in "Adenocarcinoma" a query for "disease_type": "*Adenocarcinoma" would be appropriate. See below:


Quicksearch Endpoint

The GDC Portal has a quicksearch functionality that allows for a project, case, or file to be queried from a search box. This function calls the /v0/all endpoint, which retrieves the top cases, files, projects, genes, mutations, and annotations that match to the query. The quicksearch can also be used programmatically through the API. For example, a search term of 'TCGA' would produce the following query:

curl ""
{"data":{"query":{"hits":[{"disease_type":["Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas"],"id":"UHJvamVjdDpUQ0dBLUFDQw==","name":"Adrenocortical Carcinoma","primary_site":["Adrenal gland"],"project_id":"TCGA-ACC","project_quicksearch":"Adrenocortical Carcinoma"},{"disease_type":["Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas"],"id":"UHJvamVjdDpUQ0dBLUtJQ0g=","name":"Kidney Chromophobe","primary_site":["Kidney"],"project_id":"TCGA-KICH","project_quicksearch":"Kidney Chromophobe"},{"disease_type":["Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas"],"id":"UHJvamVjdDpUQ0dBLUxJSEM=","name":"Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma","primary_site":["Liver and intrahepatic bile ducts"],"project_id":"TCGA-LIHC","project_quicksearch":"Liver Hepatocellular Carcinoma"},{"disease_type":["Myeloid Leukemias"],"id":"UHJvamVjdDpUQ0dBLUxBTUw=","name":"Acute Myeloid Leukemia","primary_site":["Hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial systems"],"project_id":"TCGA-LAML","project_quicksearch":"Acute Myeloid Leukemia"},{"disease_type":["Adenomas and Adenocarcinomas"],"id":"UHJvamVjdDpUQ0dBLUtJUlA=","name":"Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma","primary_site":["Kidney"],"project_id":"TCGA-KIRP","project_quicksearch":"Kidney Renal Papillary Cell Carcinoma"}],"total":183550}}}

This endpoint can be used to quickly retrieve information about a file. For example, if a user wanted to know the UUID for nationwidechildrens.org_biospecimen.TCGA-EL-A4K1.xml, the following query could be used to quickly retrieve it programmatically:

curl ""

Additional Examples

More examples of API functionality described in this section are provided in Additional Examples.