Fixed logging issue that was causing client to crash
Upgraded Python version
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: May 17, 2021
New Features and Changes
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Fixed issue with resuming large file downloads.
Fixed issue with error reporting.
Improved multi-part file upload.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: July 8, 2020
New Features and Changes
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Fixed issue with file upload requiring a manifest
Restored multi-part upload feature
Fixed error reporting issue
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: January 30, 2020
New Features and Changes
Data transfer tool code now uses Python 3.
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Problems with downloading associated annotations is fixed.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: December 18, 2018
New Features and Changes
Enabled download latest file version feature
Removal of Interactive mode
Enabled display of all default settings
Standardized upload and download help menus
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Download flag --no-related-files bug preventing file downloads fixed
File name handling with forward slashes bug fixed
Download flag --no-segment-md5sums bug fixed.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: August 22, 2017
New Features and Changes
Faster performance when downloading many small files
Faster performance overall
Better handling of time outs
Uses new default API URL (htts://
Better logging
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Submission manifest local_file_path: will now modify path as expected
Upload flags --path/-f will modify the upload path as expected
When deleting uploaded files you will no longer need a file in the current directory of the same name
Can specify manifest path for upload
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: Oct 19th 2016
New Features and Changes
Better handling of connectivity interruptions
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
Uploads via manifest file has been fixed.
Legacy -i/--identifier flag removed.
Improved error messaging when uploading without a token.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
When any files mentioned in the upload manifest are not present in the upload directory the submission will hang at the missing file.
Workaround: Edit the manifest to specify only the the files that are present in the upload directory for submission or copy the missing files into the upload directory.
Upload flags --path/-f do not modify the upload path as expected.
Workaround: Copy the Data Transfer Tool into the the root of the submittable data directory and run from there.
Submission manifest field local_file_path: does not modify upload path expected.
Workaround: Run Data Transfer Tool from root of the submittable data directory so that data is in the current working directory of the Data Transfer Tool.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: September 7, 2016
New Features and Changes
Partial extension added to all download files created during download. Removed after successful download.
Number of processes started by default changed to 8 (-n flag).
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
None to report.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
Use of a manifest file for uploads to the Submission Portal will produce an error message "ERROR: global name 'read_manifest' is not defined".
Workaround: Upload files via UUID instead or use the API/Submission Portal.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: June 2, 2016
New Features and Changes
MD5 checksum verification of downloaded files.
BAM index files (.bai) are now automatically downloaded with parent BAM.
UDT mode included to help improve certain high-speed transfers between the GDC and distant locations.
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
None to report.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.
GDC Product: Data Transfer Tool
Release Date: May 26, 2016
New Features and Changes
Single-thread and multi-threaded download capability
User-friendly command line interface
Progress bars provide visual representation of transfer status
Optional interactive (REPL) mode
Detailed help menus for upload and download functionality
Support for authentication using a token file
Support for authentication using a token string
Resumption of incomplete uploads and downloads
Initiation of transfers using manifests
Initiation of transfers using file UUIDs
Advanced configuration options
Binary distributions available for Linux (Ubuntu), OS X, and Windows
Bugs Fixed Since Last Release
None to report.
Known Issues and Workarounds
Use of non-ASCII characters in token passed to Data Transfer Tool will produce incorrect error message "Internal server error: Auth service temporarily unavailable".
On some terminals, dragging and dropping a file into the interactive client will add single quotes (' ') around the file path. This causes the interactive client to misinterpret the file path and generate an error when attempting to load a manifest file or token.
Workaround: Manually type out the file name or remove the single quotes from around the file path.